Saturday, February 25, 2012

[Insert Creative, Eye-catching Title Here]

I'm on break now for a little over a week. Yesterday I had my last classes and turned in two papers, one 10 pages and the other 26. Since I don't have any finals (hooray for classes that require papers en lieu of tests?) I am free to enjoy life on (pretty much) my own terms for the next little while.

So what did I do? I slept in until 10:30, and read a book in bed until 1:00.  Now it's 2:15 in the afternoon and I'm eating breakfast.  =)  It's snowing outside, and has been snowing steadily since before I woke up. I'm guessing we'll have at least six inches by the time it stops. So it's a great day to hang out inside, read a book, and enjoy the fact that there are no homework deadlines looming soon in my future.

If I stir up the motivation, I'll give you all an abbreviated version of my papers next week. The shorter one was on liberation theology, and the longer one on the Hebrew word hesed. Yes, I wrote 26 pages about one word... but I could have written far more.

Well, that`s not much of an update, but I`ve been pretty busy this week, so it's not like there's been much going on. Maybe I'll get out my camera and take some pictures for the next post?

Sunday, February 19, 2012


What? It's February already? Yeah, I guess I did see a bunch of red and pink, chocolate hearts, and extra flowers in the grocery store last time I was shopping. I suppose that means Valentines Day has passed too? *checks calendar*  Yep, turns out that we're already in the St. Patricks Day/Easter approach. Look out malt-filled Easter eggs, you will soon meet the conqueror, and her name is ME.

This semester has been quite busy. I'm taking three 400-level classes currently: Integrative Seminar, Topics in Theology, and Topics in Old Testament. Lest you think that I'm complaining unnecessarily about large amounts of work, realize that I will be completing the latter two of those classes at the end of next week. Yes, 2 1/2 classes completed in 7 weeks. Of course, I'm also leading a small group on campus and working in the dining hall... so yeah, life's a piece of cake! [you know the feeling of eating dessert as you run out the door in order not to be late for something? that's the sort of cake my life is right now!]

Nevertheless, I'm enjoying it. I've been studying the Hebrew word Hesed as used in the Old Testament, and in the process learning a lot about the nature of God. I also just finished a study on Liberation Theology, which helps me to understand the push for social justice today. There are certainly a lot of good things that the church as a whole can learn from Latin American theologians. [of course, there are also some problems with l.t., but how often do we find a theology with which we agree entirely?] [that was a rhetorical question, by the way]

The weather here in Three Hills has been amazingly temperate of late. After a couple weeks of -40, I've been loving the days of +2 or 3... (celcius, of course). Most of the snow has melted, which leaves it looking awfully brown out... but at least the sun shines regularly!  =) 

Homemaking here remains a pleasure. For Valentines Day, Vanessa and I hosted a few other girls for a meal of tacos... complete with homemade corn tortillas! I used some of the Maseca that I brought from home (it's impossible to find here in Three Hills) and used a textbook for a tortilla press! The textbook shall remain nameless, in order to protect its reputation.

Well, that's as much of an update as I have in me right now. I'm still working on figuring out a plan for after graduation. I'm sure something will work out. Ta ta for now!