Sunday, January 18, 2009


Well, I'm in Guatemala. Chimaltenango to be exact. We flew all day yesterday and arrived at Guatemala Bible Seminary around 12 last night. After unloading our bags and figuring out which rooms we were in, we quickly made our way to bed.

Since then, we went to church (a long service all in Spanish), ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner, had our orientation for Antigua, watched people in the street and playing soccer, and finally got a little internet. When I have time to give a better update, I will. Until then, please pray that:

- We pick up the language quickly
- Safety for the team
- Health: some of the team started out not feeling well, and others aren't doing well with the food.
- Melinda: she's pregnant and tryin to take care of the baby.


1 comment:

alison said...

Thanks for bringing us up to date, Abby! With communications setup being what it is, this is a great way to communicate. We will be acting on your prayer requests.

Love, Mom