Friday, August 19, 2011

And back to Canada I go!

Well I'm back at Prairie. This time I took the Beast (suburban), and drove through Montana to pick up a friend. Here are some pictures of the drive-- I hope you enjoy them. =) If you want to see slightly larger versions, just click on the picture.

This first is the view heading towards Snoqualmie Pass:

Getting closer to the Pass:
And closer:

Snoqualmie Pass:
Now I'm heading down the pass:

Still have a long ways to go:
Getting close to Idaho:

Woot-- I get to go fast!

Getting close to the summit on the Idaho/Montana border:

The Montana Border:

I stopped at Camp Bighorn in Montana, visited with some friends there, and picked up my friend Timo so he could get back to school too.

All our stuff, driving away from Camp Bighorn:

Driving through northern Montana:

Timo getting ready to cross the border:

Me, quite ready for the border:
Wait! which passport do I use?

Like the think hanging from my rearview mirror? Yeah, my tea ball needed to dry.

So, I guess we're actually doing it... time for a border run!
Oh, it's serious, for sure:
Hmm, I guess we made it across, since this is B.C. now!

Yeah, it's Alberta alright:

Mmm, look at those dark clouds!

See the thunderstorm following us?

So there you go! We arrived at Prairie last night, unloaded The Beast, unpacked a little, and zonked into bed. Today I got all my stuff out of storage at the dorm and moved it up to my apartment. And, guess what... I'm completely moved in and settled! =) I've got a beautiful view and a great apartment... now to just find a kitchen table! Next post I'll share some pictures of the apartment.

Signing off,

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