Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Break

I'm sitting in the airport right now, waiting for my flight. Yes, it's that time already-- the time when multitudes of college students are released from the confines of their studying and are unleashed on the unsuspecting world. Although on my way home, I have one project yet to finish. In spite of this, I am confident that break will be good, and that I will finish my last bit in plenty of time.

Going home? Yes. Looking forward to it? Yes. Having gotten 9 hours of sleep between the last three nights, I think it'll be nice to try for that in a single night. "Dream on," you say, "that'll never happen." Yes, I realize that it's chances are low, yet I continue to hope, because, after all, that is the foundation of Christianity. [maybe I'll blog on that a little later, hey?]

'tis all

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